About Us

Why choose Elevation Learning Center?

We know you want the best for your child.

Choosing Elevation Learning Center is about setting your child up for long-term success. At ELC, we’re focused on building academic confidence, igniting intellectual curiosity and inspiring a love for learning

Our approach to success? The best teachers/professors and technology!

ELC will provide your child with the best teachers and advanced technology, so your child feels fully engaged and gets the exact learning he or she needs. Our teachers not only instruct, but they challenge and inspire your child to exceed expectations. If your child a having difficulties with the material or looking to improve their grade, ELC have a program to elevate that child and help them to reach the top.

The Best Online Tutoring for your child

We know families are always looking for convenient and effective solutions so their kids can get the help they need (on the schedule they need it)! Tutoring has always been hugely important, but many parents now seem to be looking past the stigma and unfair belief that tutoring is reserved for struggling students, and are seeing tutoring for what it is—a valuable educational activity used to supplement what kids are learning in school, while also being an outlet for kids to get involved in topics they can't learn in school.

ELC provides high-quality, proven education through live, online tutoring.

Our online sessions are exceptional with proven results suitable for your child’s personal learning plan. Our tutoring sessions are engaging, effective and focuses on individualized attention!

With our live, online programs, your child will …

  • Interact live with certified tutors through face-to-face online sessions.
  • Receive targeted instruction tailored just for your child.
  • Keep the learning going through these uncertain times

Our caring, expert teams are ready to help create a one-of-a-kind personalized program that’s unique to your child.

What is one-to-one instruction?

One-to-one instruction describes a student learning from and interacting with a teacher individually, with instruction tailored to the student's own personal pace and learning needs. This is opposed to the typical classroom setting, or a one-to-many experience with one teacher who is teaching to a large group of students. 

As you can imagine, there are a number of benefits to students being able to have individual access to their instructor, and vice versa. 

ELC’s One-on-one tutoring benefits

Specifically, ELC’s one-on-one tutoring helps our students to focus on a specific task or subject, and allows them to experience a different kind of learning to potentially reach new skill and confidence levels. 

1. Gives kids an outlet

- School can be downright frustrating. Subject matter can be difficult to understand, teachers may not be accessible in class, and then might not be very welcoming even after class or during office hours. 

- So, ELC tutoring gives kids an outlet. For example, ELC Tutors can help lift a big weight off of a student's shoulders, as kids now realize they have someone completely dedicated to helping their learning and answering of their questions. 

2. ELC Offers deeper learning

- Perhaps the most traditional, widely-known benefit of ELC one-on-one tutoring?

- There could be so much that needs to be learned in a given school year, and with traditional topics that carry so much complexity and depth, it may be difficult for teachers to spend extended periods of time diving deeper and deeper. 

- With tutoring, though, students can hit the "pause" button; settling in with one specific topic and going as deep as they need in order to develop an understanding, or as deep as they want in order to satisfy their interests. 

3. ELC Offers wider learning 

- While the above benefit is focused on going deeper into a particular subject, this benefit has to do with extending learning to different subjects altogether. Meaning, while we all have had to learn all the different types of math, and have probably struggled at times, there are different types of tutors out there. 

4. ELC Offers personalized learning

- Regardless of whether or not your child needs to go deep or wide with their learning, the point is, it’s going to be a personalized experience at the end of the day.

- School is great, and many students flourish in the traditional classroom, but students can also get a lot out of lessons tailored to their specific learning needs. Capturing both of the points above, this personalized learning approach can help a student focus on a particularly troublesome area, or, can allow them to explore something new and different altogether.

- At ELC, we customized and built around those things students already enjoy, like sports, music, or video games, for example. Such an approach can even make math fun and engaging, and any topic or subject students generally might not be thrilled about. 

Learn From the Best Tutors

We hire only qualified educators dedicated to student learning, and we implement a rigorous hiring process and training program using our comprehensive professional development core content. In addition to response to intervention, we offer professional development courses for teachers and administrators in both live and online formats, covering teaching and leadership essentials, content, and classroom best practices. Our academic enrichment programs help foster creativity, ingenuity, rigor, and a love of learning.

Contact us today to learn more about our programs.

Phone: (800) 735-2591
Email: administration@elevationlearningcenter.com